Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thinking about how we think.

"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive."
-Albert Einstein
"Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up... today we are about to engage in some extremely deep thought.  Have you ever met anyone, or just been in the presents of someone, who make you stop and just think to yourself... "Wow, that is deep.  How in the world did they come up with that?  How in the world can someone even comprehend that?  They have some crazy gears turning up there!"  Unfortunately, we do not come across enough of these people!  If you are taking the time to read this today, maybe we can change, or make you think about, the way you think!
Welcome to the 21st century where all we have time to think about is everything we need to get done today!  I challenge you to walk down the halls of a high school, or go to the grocery store and listen to what people talk about.  I guarantee you will hear a lot of gossip...  So what am I suggesting?  I truly believe we are more than that.  I truly believe we are meant to be deeper than that.  Our body and our brain is so sophisticated that it just blows my mind.  My goal here today is to try and get you to think about how we think, function, and even socialize.  Let me take a few minutes to share a story and a few ideas with you:
Like minded individuals!  One of my recent hobbies or interests is crossfit.  The biggest thing you will realize with crossfit is that people who do crossfit love to talk about crossfit!  Well the other day I stopped in to see my mom at work.  She has a coworker who goes to the same gym as myself.  We usually don't go in at the same time so I have never actually met this man.  Well after my mom introduced us, naturally, we started talking about crossfit.  We ended up going on and on about recent achievements, struggles, goals, and so on and so forth.  Before I knew it I had been there for almost an hour!  Never met this person before, but by the end of that conversation we were talking and laughing as if we were best friends.
Time to ourselves should never be wasted!  Now naturally whenever we have a few spare minutes to ourselves, it feels great to just sit down and veg.  Every once in a while, we all need this!  For the most part though, this is a great opportunity to go into deep thought.  Continuing on with my story: Later that day, all I could think about was that conversation and the topic of our conversation.  We had bounced great ideas and tips off of each other and it was now time to take it a step farther.  I could have stopped there, forgot about that conversation, and continued on with life just fine... But I would have missed out on a great opportunity to utilize new information and incorporate these new concepts into my own personal training.
Look at some of the technology we have today...  That right there is a result of people who got together, went into deep thought, bounced ideas around, and then acted on those ideas.  I know this is kind of random today, but I just felt like I really needed to share this concept.  It is extremely hard to achieve our dreams on our own.  If we can begin to think and converse in  new and deeper ways, we will surely find ourselves achieving new and exciting dreams we otherwise would have never even thought of!  Take a few minutes today and just... think!  Best of luck, my friends!

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